Introduction to Mandarin

We offer a unique and enjoyable online Chinese learning experience for 8 years old and up.  The teaching team is led by a group of dynamic, certified and experienced teachers as well as a team of fluent Mandarin-speaking assistant counselors. Students will spend each Sunday afternoon engaging in team-oriented and thematic instructional and educational design activities while navigating through a simulated exciting part of the Asian American world. Learners will be grouped according to Chinese language proficiency into different programs to ensure that each of them gains the most out of his or her own strength. They spend each session rotating from one activity to the next, including a special "Mandarin-only" period, Chinese-specific story time, art, and game etc. The program is designed to provide a rewarding learning experience incorporated with array of fun activities. Our program is guaranteed to boost your child's language abilities!

Our program is developed by a group of enthusiastic, certified and experienced teachers as well as a team of fluent Mandarin-speaking assistant counselors who are very passionate about Chinese teaching and learning. They are always focusing on encouraging students to learn through relationship building, working hand-in-hand with students to continuously improve themselves and reinforcing a positive approach toward learning culture that supports sustainability. All the teachers, assistant counselors, staff members and students have created an attitude, climate, and culture where we believe in students and students believe in themselves. We provide students with high-quality, engaging instruction in a safe and supportive environment, and we learn together, grow together, and have fun together. Students, teachers, assistant counselors and staff members alike, know that we are truly working together to achieve our mission of striving to excel and motivate students.


課程特色: 本校正在研發華語教學在適地化的學習模式,採用情境單元的語言課程設計,融會語言學習的聽、說、讀、寫於生動的教學活動,進一步地提升學童的中文表達能力。本校所開發的學習模式更利用老師們的不同專長成立專業學習社群 (Professional Learning Community) 來解決班上學生因年齡及華語能力不同而造成學習差異的問題,老師適度調整教學內容,讓能學生按自己的步驟來學習。

突破海外華語文學習的困境:本校採用差異化教學 (Differentiated Instruction) ,老師們必須發展不同的教案,視全校學生為一個班級,讓不同程度的學生都能同時在課堂上學到適合他們能力、心理、生理狀態的學習內容與活動。穩定的師資更可以讓學生跟著同一位老師學習直到其華語文能力可以晉升到另一個等級為止。學生不用需要浪費時間在不斷適應新老師,更不會因新老師必須了解新學生的學習狀況,而讓學生重複學習已經學會的知識,可以避免學生面對無聊的課程及寶貴學習時間的浪費。在教材的設計與運用,以全新版華語為主,其他教材為輔,豐富的學習內容,讓學生更可以選擇適合他們自己的學習方式來進行學習。教學方式更是以學生中心 (Student-Centered) 的教學法,學生可以和在正規學校的學習經驗、興趣及現實生活做連結,更能滿足教室內多種學習者的需求,老師適時調整課程中的內容,持續運用多元的教學方法,每節課驗收每位學生的學習成果,進而能照顧個別差異。

Classroom Location:  Online